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Error Handling: Wait and Retry Example

This example shows how errors are handled at the sink level with wait and retry mode.

In this mode, publishing threads wait in back-off and re-trying mode, and only send the events when the connection is re-established. During this time the threads will not consume any new messages causing the systems to introduce back pressure on the systems that publish to it.

For more information, refer to Source Error Handling and Sink Error Handling.

Here is a simple example to publish abnormal glucose reading events to an unavailable HTTP endpoint. The error is handled by wait and retry mode.

-- Defines `GlucoseReadingStream` stream which contains events related to glucose readings.
CREATE STREAM GlucoseReadingStream (locationRoom string,
locationBed string, timeStamp string, sensorID long,
patientFirstName string, patientLastName string,
sensorValue double);

-- If `HTTP` endpoint is unavailable then threads who bring events via `AbnormalGlucoseReadingStream` wait in `back-off and re-trying` mode.

CREATE SINK AbnormalGlucoseReadingStream WITH (type = 'http', OnError.action="wait", publisher.url = "http://localhost:8080/logger", method = "POST", map.type = 'json') (timeStampInLong long, locationRoom string, locationBed string, sensorID long, patientFullName string, sensorReadingValue double);

insert into AbnormalGlucoseReadingStream
select math:parseLong(timeStamp) as timeStampInLong,
locationRoom, locationBed, sensorID,
-- Concatenate string attributes `patientFirstName` and `patientLastName`
str:concat(patientFirstName, " ", patientLastName) as patientFullName, sensorValue as sensorReadingValue
-- Identifies the abnormal glucose reading if `sensorValue > 220`
from GlucoseReadingStream[sensorValue > 220];


Download the mock logger service from here.

Input and Output

  • Below event is sent to GlucoseReadingStream stream,

    ['Get-1024', 'Level2', '1576829362', 10348, 'Alex', 'John', 250]

    You could see ConnectException is get printed since logger service is unavailable.

  • Then, execute the below command to start the mock logger service.

    java -jar logservice-1.0.0.jar

  • Now, you could see the event sent in step #1 is get logged in the logger service console as given below.

    LoggerService:42 - {event={timeStampInLong=1.576829362E9, locationRoom=Get-1024, locationBed=Level2, sensorID=10348.0, patientFullName=Alex John, sensorReadingValue=250.0}}