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REST APIs Doc Store Example

This page demonstrates how you can work with Macrometa GDN document store collections using the REST API. For more information about using Macrometa APIs, refer to APIs.


Code Sample

  1. Copy and paste the code block below in your favorite IDE.
  2. Update constants with your values, such as the API key.
  3. Run the code.
import json
import requests

# Set constants
URL = ""
HTTP_URL = f"https://{URL}"
API_KEY = "XXXXX" # Use your API key here
COLLECTION_NAME = 'testcollection'
AUTH_TOKEN = f"apikey {API_KEY}"
FABRIC = "_system"
URL = f"{HTTP_URL}/_open/auth"

# Create a HTTPS session

session = requests.session()
session.headers.update({"content-type": 'application/json'})
session.headers.update({"authorization": AUTH_TOKEN})

# Get list of all regions

URL = f"{HTTP_URL}/_fabric/{FABRIC}/_api/datacenter/all"
dcl_resp = session.get(URL)
dcl_list = json.loads(dcl_resp.text)
regions = []
for dcl in dcl_list:
dcl_url = dcl['tags']['url']
print("\nList of regions: ", regions)

# Create a document collection
# Note: Create a test collection. Set "type" to 2 for documents or 3 for edges

URL = f"{HTTP_URL}/_fabric/{FABRIC}/_api/collection"
payload = {
"type": 2
resp =, data=json.dumps(payload))
resp = json.loads(resp.text)
if 'error' in resp and resp['error']:
print("ERROR: " + resp["errorMessage"])
print("\nCollection created: ", resp['name'])

# Insert a document into a collection

URL = f"{HTTP_URL}/_fabric/{FABRIC}/_api/document/{COLLECTION_NAME}"
payload = {'GPA': 3.5, 'first': 'Lola', 'last': 'Martin', '_key': 'Lola'}
resp =, data=json.dumps(payload))
print("\nDocument inserted: ", resp.text)

# Data can either be a single document or a list of documents
# Insert multiple documents

URL = f"{HTTP_URL}/_fabric/{FABRIC}/_api/document/{COLLECTION_NAME}"
data = [
{'GPA': 3.2, 'first': 'Abby', 'last': 'Page', '_key': 'Abby'},
{'GPA': 3.6, 'first': 'John', 'last': 'Kim', '_key': 'John'},
{'GPA': 4.0, 'first': 'Emma', 'last': 'Park', '_key': 'Emma'}
resp =, data=json.dumps(data))
print("\nMultiple documents inserted: ", resp.text)

# Read a document with its ID

URL = f"{HTTP_URL}/_fabric/{FABRIC}/_api/document/{COLLECTION_NAME}" + "/Lola"
resp = session.get(URL)
print("\nDocument with ID Lola is: ", resp.text)

# Read multiple documents

URL = f"{HTTP_URL}/_fabric/{FABRIC}/_api/simple/lookup-by-keys"
payload = {"collection": COLLECTION_NAME,
"keys": ["Abby", "John", "Emma"]}
resp = session.put(URL, data=json.dumps(payload))
resp = json.loads(resp.text)
print("\nDocuments: ", resp["documents"])

# Update a single document with its ID

URL = f"{HTTP_URL}/_fabric/{FABRIC}/_api/document/{COLLECTION_NAME}/John"
payload = {'GPA': 3.6, 'first': 'John', 'last': 'Andrews', '_key': 'John'}
resp = session.patch(URL, data=json.dumps(payload))
print("\nUpdated document with ID John: ", resp.text)

# Update documents

URL = f"{HTTP_URL}/_fabric/{FABRIC}/_api/document/{COLLECTION_NAME}"
payload = [
{'GPA': 4.6, 'first': 'Lola', 'last': 'Martin', '_key': 'Lola'},
{'GPA': 3.2, 'first': 'Abby', 'last': 'Stutguard', '_key': 'Abby'}
resp = session.patch(URL, data=json.dumps(payload))
print("\nUpdated documents: ", resp.text)

# Remove single document with its ID

URL = f"{HTTP_URL}/_fabric/{FABRIC}/_api/document/{COLLECTION_NAME}/John"
resp = session.delete(URL)
print("\nDeleted document with ID John: ", resp.text)

# Remove a multiple document

URL = f"{HTTP_URL}/_fabric/{FABRIC}/_api/document/{COLLECTION_NAME}"
payload = [
{'GPA': 4.6, 'first': 'Lola', 'last': 'Martin', '_key': 'Lola'},
{'GPA': 3.2, 'first': 'Abby', 'last': 'Stutguard', '_key': 'Abby'},
{'GPA': 4.0, 'first': 'Emma', 'last': 'Park', '_key': 'Emma'}
resp = session.delete(URL, data=json.dumps(payload))
print("\nDeleted documents: ", resp.text)