Graph Examples
This section contains graphs that you can learn from or use as starting points.
📄️ Example Graphs
Macrometa has several example graphs that you can create and use to explore the GDN graph functionality. When you create an example graph, Macrometa creates the named graph as well as collections loaded with vertex and edge data.
📄️ Multiple Path Search (MPS) Example
The shortest path algorithm is designed to find a single shortest path between two vertices. However, in some cases, there might be multiple shortest paths with the same length, and you might want to retrieve all of them.
📄️ REST API Graph Example
This page shows you how to perform a basic graph workflow using the Macrometa API.
📄️ Geo Queries Traversal Examples
This example demonstrates how to perform a graph traversal based on a geo query. It starts by finding cities within a specified radius from a given set of coordinates (in this case, Bonn). Then, it performs a graph traversal using those cities as starting points and returns the connected cities within one edge away.
📄️ bfs Traversal Examples
This page provides examples of traversing graphs using the bfs option. For more information about this option, refer to Traversal Query Syntax.
📄️ uniqueEdges Traversal Examples
This page provides examples of traversing graphs using the uniqueEdges option. For more information about this option, refer to Traversal Query Syntax.
📄️ uniqueVertices Traversal Examples
This page provides examples of traversing graphs using the uniqueVertices option. For more information about this option, refer to Traversal Query Syntax.